Atomization therapy is a necessary treatment for people with certain diseases, so the choice of nebulizer is very important. There are many kinds and brands of atomizers on the market. It's a difficult problem for BMW to choose which one. If you need it, you might as well take a look at the following contents and see which atomizer children choose best.
What kind of child atomizer is good?
At present, there are three kinds of atomizers on the market: ultrasonic atomizer, compressed atomizer and micro-mesh atomizer. Their differences are mainly in the size of atomized particles.
1. Ultrasound nebulizer: The amount of nebulization is large, but the nebulized particles are also relatively large. Generally, MMD (median particle size) is about 9 microns. Can not enter the lower respiratory tract, so generally applicable to upper respiratory tract treatment.
2. Compressed nebulizer: The nebulized particles are small, and the MMD is usually less than 5 microns, which can be deposited in the lower respiratory tract. It is generally suitable for the treatment of lower respiratory tract.
3. Micromesh nebulizer: nebulizer particles are smaller. Generally, MMD is less than 3 microns and can be deposited in lower respiratory tract, peripheral bronchus and alveoli. Therefore, for children, it is recommended to use micro-mesh nebulizer, children with narrow respiratory tract, so in order to put drugs into the bronchus, the use of micro-mesh nebulizer is a better choice.
How to Choose Atomizer
1. Look at the size of the atomized particles: if the particles are too large, they can not enter the lower respiratory tract and can not play a therapeutic effect.
2. Noise: The noise level of the carburetor is an important indicator of its quality. Too much noise will be unacceptable to children.
3. Vibration: Vibration is accompanied by noise. Generally speaking, if the noise is large, its vibration must be not small.
4. Heating: Noise, vibration of the machine, its heating must be more, resulting in energy loss, compression atomizer nominal power is not the greater the better. Most of the energy of powerful but noisy machines is wasted.
5. Portability: As a household, the size of the atomizer is also a factor that household users need to consider. Smaller size means more portable.
6. Atomizing cup: After the compressor meets the basic requirements, the quality of the atomizing cup is particularly critical. This information can generally be obtained from the packaging of products.
The above has explained in detail the proper atomizer and how to choose the atomizer. I believe that BMW will have a better understanding of this. Parents hope that the baby can have a healthy body, facing the baby's illness and the baby's painful appearance at the time of onset, the most painful of course is the non-parents, so we must choose the most suitable atomizer for the baby.